People start smoking for various reasons.
They start smoking as it delivers a heightened sense of feeling,they start smoking as they think it the a means to breaking away from rules and regulations imposed upon us.soon people get addicted to it.
But it is not the addiction that causes people to continue smoking.
Any rational person knows cirarate smoking is injurious to health.And saying injurios to health is a understatement.It is only justified to state that it causes "death".But this does not stop people from smoking.
Why do people smoke .....Why don't they quit ......
Smoking is a sign of weakness.
It is generally exhibited by people who are not sure of themselves.
It is generally exhibited by people who are not sure of themselves.
These people are insecure and weak.They want to potray a strong image of themselves to the world around and to themselves.
They believe that by smoking they are making a statement.
They are trying to tell everyone that they are rebellious,independent people who won't follow the rules and regulations imposed by society.And do not care that others may think of them.
They are trying to show that they are strong and courageous and that they are not afraid to smoke,they are not afraid of death.
They believe smoking is an act which expresses thier freedom.
------------- written by a smoker ----------------------------