Monday, June 8, 2009

conversation with creator

Questions :
Is there something called as creativity or originality.
Can something that is created by totally pure and original
How can one say that one has created something original,
Can any creation come into existance without any extrenal influences,

When man creates something he tresspasses the territory of God.There have be such great men
of unparalled vision in our history.
But there have been also other great creations as well.
but these derived from external infulences,taking nothing away from these creation they were
magnificent and great creations but they were not original.
Many times the creator are unaware that their creations were un original,

Question :
Not this leads to the question that can the creator be absolutely totall sure that his creation is totally original
and is not derieved fromany external influences.

In a society of men it is sad but also true that there is very little originality
Every emotion every expression of man is not a original creation but a reaction
to things he experiances during the cource of his life .
Most of man's creation have come out of sheer need rather than unparalled vision.
And the society we live is always in chaos,so are the mind's of men.
All the creations consciously or sub-consciously have arised from infulence of other men
So one need to analyse ones's thoughts,live and the path that lead to the creation to
understand and arrive and the conclusion that his work ,his creation is truly original.
Even if his memory was wiped of and he was left alone in a deserted island,
he would find a way to get closer to his creation,it would take him thousand years
of knowledge for him to reach is goal,evolving from a mindless savange ,
but a creative mind would get there eventually .I surely think it would get there eventually.

Question :
So to create something original,does one not take any present knowlege

One Learns of from all the knowlege that is available to him,
The vision and hard work of all the creator that came before him
all this knowlege will lead him to his creation,and thought his creation he pasy
homage to all these great men that came before him and would come after him,
surely none of the men who came before him would have been able to create what he
has created,but his creation would also not be possible without the knowlege of all
the creators that came before him,right from the man who create the fire,the first invention
of man kind,Thus posessing the knowlege one's creation is original one must not
forget to pay homange to the pioneer's of knowledge.

If this creator looses all the knowledge he possesses,even if he was truly great
it would take him a thousand years to come about to arrive at his creation
to create everything from the stone age to golden age,
So matter how great one rises ,on must try to be humble atleat in the domain
of creator's of knowlege.

This is me :

Is it a burden or a gift i do not know,A curse or a blessing .
But i have come to hold it,i do not know what to make of it .
I always dreamed about kneeling before the people who held it and pray
It was like one of those thing you know you can never have no matter how hard you tried.
It almost feels like a dream that i have come to possess it and in all probability it is a dream.

I might just wake up and the world would be the way it was supposed to be
The world the way was when we were young,A magnificent place of magic and great miracles ,
filled with great men,leaders ,Hero's ,sugar spice and everything nice

A place where love was real and true .Where people lived and died by their word,
Where truth,friendships,courage,valor and hope prevailed .
A place where Good always won .

A Real fairy tale world.
A place greener than Heaven itself ....

I have been waiting for years now,neither have i woken up nor has the world turned up the way it
was supposed to.It was my function to record events occurring in the world observing from a silent
corner of the universe .
I was meant to be the invisible man .
I was nor capable nor supposed to interfere in the worldly events,i could not
be trusted ,i could not be counted upon when required.I simply could not be trusted to hold this in
my hand.But i have told earlier always dreamed about possessing this it every second of my life.

People are generally born with gifts .Some say it is his hereditary genome ,some say it is a gift from the
god's,some say it is karma,
others say it is destiny .I was fortunate enough to meet some of these people .
some of these people were my friends ,some of them were people i knew,others were people i had viewed from
a distance.These people who possessed great abilities ,people who were destined to someday rule the universe.
I did not realize this when i was a growing up i did not realize this when i met these people.
But some inconceivable force had led me to all these people.
I came about to notice these gifts in people
i do not know
how,but i believe this was the underlying reason i met these people .This has been a common
trait amongst all these people i came about to meet during my lifetime .
This was not a gift of mine ,
but it so came to happen that people i came about to meet randomly turned out to be men of
extraordinary talent.Neither did i go out of my way to befriend these people,neither was there
any motive to befriend these people,some random chaotic events unfolded which enabled me to
get a glimpse of lives of these men.The force of chaos still prevalent and still as mysterious as khaos was
.Coming in contact with these men made me notice one more thing ,
it was a observation made when i was still a child,i had absolutely no talents what so ever .
I was born without devoid of any gifts at all.I had often wondered about this observations
and asked the question why me ? why me ? like a child pondering on the question when he is one who
is outcast from the gang,teased ,ridiculed . Made to beg and cry to be accepted into the group and at the
end realize that the other children just wanted him to beg and cry and make a fool of himself
but they were never going to accept him in their gang no matter what he did .Why me ?I often wondered
why was i not given anything nor brains,nor the balls to stand up for my self,not any skills .
i was still a child then,i still believed that everything in the world was good, i believed in karma
and i did not know why this awful curse was laid upon me ,Why me ???? i used to ask my self ??????
This is one of the strongest childhood memory that i have,memory of being cast out.
This memory has haunted me most of my life,it would take about two decades before i can
vanish this demon from my mind .
And realizing where i stand today and what i have become,i can only utter the truth that i had not in
my wildest dreams thought that i would be here at the top of the sacred mountain.
Nor did brothers ever conceive that even i could make it to this sacred place,they were
surprised,amazed and then i do not know for sure but may be even envious of me .
I was a nothing a nobody,with only a body and no mind,i did not possess an identity,
i possess no ego ,i possessed no power,but still i survived ,still i made it here,far
beyond the expectation of myself and everyone that has ever known me.
I have come to break every limit that i have known myself to bounded by .
But Even today i am still clueless as what i am supposed to become,what my purpose in life is.
I have come to realize that i have no limits,I only know that i can become whatever i want to be ..
The Story must go on as always ..And This is my role in the story .