Thursday, June 28, 2007



Thursday, June 21, 2007

i will not be judged

I refuse to be judged by people.
I see all around that people just wont let me be.
You are constantly judged for all your actions however minute or however huge.
Every action,every thought is evaluated as good and bad in terms of other people or in general the view of society.
Who are these people who i dont care about,respect or for that matter even hate to judge me for my actions and my thoughts.
The are just mere aquaintances i have established to survive in this hypocratic society.
with judgement also come a sentence.
They pinpoint all things that are wrong with me according to thier view.They are obsessed
to change me to fit into their world ,their society.
But why should i change.
I am what i am.people should simply understand this and accept me the way i am.
If they refuse to do so,if they think my ideas and thought opoose their
opinion .If they cant stand to be in the company of person like me .say it loud ,say it openly
and detach from me.
dont pass judgement on my actions behind my back,and try to force me to vhange and believe in your point of view.
if one day i find i agree to your point of view i will aceept it and adopt new ideas.
but this desicion will be out of my own free will,it will arise of of my thought process
it wont be a forced idea fed into my mind.

I refuse to be judged for my thoughts and actions.
the concept of God is beyond me.but even if god existed even he has no right to judge me.
these are words not of arrogance but my most basic rights.
My thoughts are mine alone and only i will be the judge of them.

I am what i am.I will not change and dont try to change me because you have no right to do so.
You put forth you vision and i will see through your eyes.but the desicion to accept this will me mine and mine cannot frightem me or force me to aceept your world.
If i accept your ideas it will be out of my own free will.
Lear to accept me the way i am for what i am.Beacuse this is my truest self.
If you cant aceept me let go of me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tale of our times

Every generation thinks they are better than their predecessor's.
They think they are a new generation,with modern and better thinking ability.
They believe the are pioneers of a new world with free and independent thinking.

They adapt themselves to new and trendy ways of life,changing anything and everything to detach themselves from present society and trying hard to invent a new way of life.

The earlier generations way of life suddenly seems immature, They are not able to relate to ways of earlier generations.

They see all events around them and believe that previous generations so incompetent that they are unable to solve basic problems of life.
They see that majority members of previous generation have lost the race of life in the crowded streets of present.

Out of arrogance,hate or pity they believe the thought and ideas of previous generation have no right to exist.
They believe in the survival of the fittest,and think that people of older generations are endangered species and will be wiped out in this brave new world .

They absorb all that is around them and come to the conclusion that previous generations so incompetent so solve basic problems of life.They see that majority members of previous generation have lost the race of life in the crowded streets of present.

They had once seen these very same people once had big dreams,great ideas,unparallel vision. They were inspired by such people,They were maybe also proud to succeed such a promising group of people.

but then reality played its part,many loose their way in life.They succumb to everyday pressures of life. They become either to tired to fight or no longer care to fight.and free thinking people of yesterdays past become mindless zombies of present. they got transformed into so called the ordinary people from giants they were.

They see these events and say it aloud with absolute certainty that you will never turn out like the earlier generations.
They make a pact to never give up their dreams and will always look towards the future.
They say the words aloud that thier generation will pave the way for a new world.A
new society founded not on weak social structure existent today but founded on the basis of values,principles,ideals and rationality.

They begin thinking about their purpose in life ,their dreams,ambitions etc

It is now that they realize that dont even know what their heart truly desires.

The quest to find this very purpose in their lives,may be to re invent their hobbies or childhood dreams takes them on an adventure like none before.

But on this road many find their purpose and many losse everything that they had.
Even these lost souls do not give up and continue striving toward their quest to simply find where their heart truly lies.

And for a time life was good.all these agents of new world life an out of the ordinary life,invorbing their capabilities and ideas condtantly .

they complete their education and these pioneers of new generation enter the cruel world ready to fight against all odds to achieve their goals.

many suceed many fail.But only few have found true peace in their walk of life.

Many are left lost and confused.they begin to fear that they will never find their so called purpose in life.fear creaps into their consumes them
they begin to freak out thinking that their quest will never end and theat they will always be in doubt.

These were the same people who once had a absolute thinking,no doubts,no insecurities.
The saw it clearly what they wanted and what they had to do to achieve their goals.

now many of these very same group of people are lost.some to find true meaning to their lives,some on the quest on how to achieve their goals.

And now so called reality plays its part,many loose their way in life.They succumb to everyday pressures of life. They become either to tired to fight or no longer care to fight.and free thinking people of yesterdays past become mindless zombies of present.
They turn into so called the ordinary people from giants they were.

As it is human nature to decieve themself into believing they have not lost,and think everything happens for the good.these many convince their minds to strike a suitable compromise continue leading a descent life.
but at some dark corner of their mind they know they have lost and surrendered and they accept their loss and tell themselves that everyone is not insanelly brillant to achieve their dream.and they let go of all that they have.

Whenever their dreams haunt them ,they try to run away from this harsh truth by turning to alcohols,drugs or maybe perhaps god.
They find their nightmares are too painful and they are unable to escape it,so their simply stop to dream.

They start living a 24x7 live.They try hard to indulge in so many things,except to pursue life they really desire.
At the end of the day the are exhausted and they sleep thinking the have worked so hard and they are living their lives to the fullest.their mind is so tired and lost at the end of the day .it refuses to wander any more and also aceepts the false reality.

They hang out till late nights either hanging out with friends,in front of idot box or doing simply nothing.They are afraid to sleep beacause they have become afraid of the very dreams that was the driving force in their lives.The have turned their dreams into nightmare.
They were destroying their very lives they took years building.
They nedded to be save not from society,friends or some disaster waiting for them.
They needed to be saved from themselves.

They become a confused lot of people.people lost in time and lost in space.

Many find a compromise,man forget their dreams and many continue to live their lives suffering everyday.

Time files by and they hardy take notice.
They dont have time to even breath peacefully.
They meet their old friends during holidays,decide to do something out of the ordinary.
They and have a blast.They best time they had in years.
Their mind rejuvenates temporarily and they talk abut,live,dreams ,loveand everything under the sun with the same passion as they used to.
They relate to each other of how they have suffered,how this realization has changed their life and they decide once again in the thrill of the moment to once again follow their dreams.

But the next day the adventure is over and they return to you normal busy life.they try for a while to search for the right path,but out of laziness and fear they again forget everything.

at some dark corner of their mind they know they have lost and surrendered and they accept their loss and tell themselves that everyone is not insanelly brillant to achieve their dream.and they let go of all that they have

they build another wall aroud thier thoughts and dreams,after every such realization the
wall kepps on gettin bigger and bigger and one fine day wall becomes to high to climb out of.
their dreams and ambitions are locked up inside the wall.

but occasionall a cry comes from inside these walls.
a cry so painfull it tears your entire existance apart.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Freedom Fighters

I get really irratated,when i read that we are not performing our duties towards our society or country
the famous quote being repeated agian again " ask not what your country has givesn you,ask what you have given your country".
that we owe our soldiers gradititude for saving our lives,while they are fighting everyday day to save us from our enemies.
but i believe that we dont owe anything to anybodywe dont owe anything to our family,our society,our country or humanitylive and die for your happiness and out of your own free will.that is the only way people should live.
I am saying this even though I have not yet become breave enough to live by this code.not even our freedom fighter never waged the freedom struggle for other.
they did not fight for the weak and helpless people who could not stand up for themselvesThe waged a battle because they could not bear to live in such a unjust society.
the fought for their right to live peacefull and with honour and dignitylikeminded people joined forces along their way .they did not join forces to to good for society,or country they joined forces to fight for their freedom to live happily.they all fought for their principles and countless died fighting for their beliefs.
They sacrificed their lives not for others but themselves.they died for their own happiness
And they are respected for very principle that they gave their lives fighting for no one except themselvesbut
our soldiers and freedom fighter did not want to become martyrs
they also dreamed of living a peaceful and long lifebut a life of compromise is not what they were willing to accept
its a irony people who fight to live always die
but most of people do not understand this
we dishonour their cause by screaming that they died for other by shouting that they died for our society,they died our their country
we keep on saying that they were the lucky ones who died for their country,for they owed this debt to our motherland and they have become free of this debtbut most of these people dont have even slightest courage to stand for themselve and try to fight for their happiness let alone giving the life
Freedom fighter
All the soldier and freedom fighters
They died for no one except themselves
They didnt die for the millions,the weak and the hungry
They died for no one except themselves
they didn’t fight for society or our country
they didn’t fight for a higher cause or for humanity
They died for their principles and their beliefs
they fought so that they could live without guilt
the guilt that the did not fight for their happiness
the fought so that they could live in a better society
where there is no need to fight
all these soldiers don’t dream of dying
they dream of living ,of living in peace
but not all of them make it to promiseland
some die fighting,some die laughing
but when the go down to gallows,they don’t go down mourning,the go down laughing,they go down singing
even with their last breath they continue fighting
because they fought for nothing except their happiness
they fought for no one except for themselves
but we dishonour their cause,by screaming that they died for other
by shouting that they died for the society,they died for their country
we keep on saying that they were the lucky ones who died for their country,
for the owed this debt to our motherland
when most of us have no courage to fight for our happiness.
this idea inspires me to live my life to the fullest.
all the actions i do are out of my own free will and happines.
all my actions lead to my happiness.
i dont want any favours from anybody and i dont owe any debt's to anyone
just try to live life with yourself as centre of universe.
earth just turns into a heavenly place.

music keeps me sane

I just left office after a gruelling 17 hour day.i had hardly and time to eat,to relax a bit,even go out and get a smoke .

striving to get the module working for clients for across the globe.but i dont derive any personal pleasure from my work.i just had to get the code workingbecause i cannot see any program witten by me be unsucessful.this is only thing that drive me to sit in office insanely long hours.

when i got out at 2am.i was really irratated and sad.
i thought about all the thing i would have done if i had 17 hours to myselfi felt really angry.when anger and hatered flow though your system you really fell like a mad man with millions of thoughts running in the mind at the same time.

i felt depressed that i was not living for what i rellay loved,that i am not courageous to pursue a career in field where my heart lies felt angry that my friend were not there for me today,i felt angry that i had to get up next morning at 6 and again head to office only negative and bad thought filled my

Then suddenly i rememberd thing i liked the most


i remembered how even after a long and tiring day at work just listning to music lightens up my day.
i remember the days when i just slept or an hour or so and headed to tired i felt and listing to some great songs just drove away all the sleep and i felt alive again.

today at night i dont have music to listen to while going home.but just thinking of it makes music flow through me.i begin to feel really good.i start to sing song in auto even though i am a terrible singer.

this was not a really bad situation,but i decidedno matter in how bad situation i would be in, i will always let music flow through me

without music i would have been angry ,depressed and crribbing abut all the thing in lifebecoming a preson i would realy hate.

so have i decided not matter what the situation i will never let go of music
i will eat ,sleep,dring and live music that is only think that can bring a smile to my face even in the most disturbing situations
it can provide more support to me than my family and friend.

i will never let musics die in me.i that day occurs ony thing left in me will be an insane,ordinary man cribbing about life.

music is my way of staying sane and alive


I was going through some blogs. when a random post caught my eye
I started to read th blog.there were may thing i could relate to in the post.
i was happy that someone out there think the way i do.

so i started reading all the all the blogs that were posted.
as i went through them i realized that we share a very similar thinking.
these blogs were witten about some 2 years ago .it told about the discussion the persond had with firendshis own thinksing ,ideas ,fears.the blogs were on all topics like life,death,music,dreams,reality,god,delivi all the topics under the sun
after reading through some of these blogs i really freaked out.

the blogs about life,our purpose in life,how we have change,lost the light in our eyes etc really freaked me out because these we the discussion what i and my closest friends were having for the last 2 months or so.

i spent sleepless nights thinkinking about my life,my dreams aspirations,
how i have failed to pursue my passions.why am i scared to chase my dreams etc.
these were the my innermost thoughts and ideas which i did not entirely share with my firends also.these were the friends with whome i have cried laughed enjoyed and live my life.and still they did not fully know who i am

i was afraid perhaps to share all my thoughts with them,
because only fear a person has while sharing his ideas is
that the idea will never be judged but the person definately will

though we were friends who stood by each other through thick and thin,
never questioned each others actions,never judged each other
i still had a small felling of insecrity that they will not relatre to me and judge me.

we never portray our true self in society.
it a heavy outer shell which we project over our real image.
the outer shell is always projected as how you would like to be.
you project a false image of all your dreams and desires in this outer shell
it conditions itself and modifies itself from time to time to fullfil your needs,desires and surroundingvery less of wht is really true seeps though this outer shell and can be seen.

you let only your closet friend see the real you.
most of the time we deceive even ourselve so that we cannot see who we really are and what we have become

we live in ignorance from the fears of facing reality
we all have our own set of fears,insecurities and thing we hide from everyone else.

and we live under the false pretance that these fears have dissapered
these are the thing we do not want other people to know even our closet friends.
if some one knows you completely,understands all you thoughts felling,you weakness,your insecurities
your despair ,agony your cowardliness to face up to can never look that person in the eye talk again.

because you know that you are ashamd of there weaknesses nad would never find the courage to see youself in the mirror eye to eye thinking about all these insecuraties,

And here i find a stranger who has put down excatly all my thoughts,feeling,fears,nightmares,beliefs etc
all deppest fears,insecrities,and agony my live is known to a complete strange.
the blogs said about thing i was always afraid to tell my self.
i am really freaked out that someone out there knows the real me.though a complete strange.who probaly i will never even seee.but just the thought that someone can see beneath the inner shell into all your weaknesses scares me.
but i am also happy that there is someone out there like me.
this situation reminds me of line from one of pink flyods greatest songs

"strangers passing in the street,
by chance two seperate two glances meet
i see you ,and what i see is me "