We are all growing up....
Trying to find our identity....
Striving hard to achieve or dreams ...
Fullfilling the reponsibilities of our family...
Time is such a rare commodity in such times .
We have no time to breath peacefully.
We have no time to do the things we really want to do
We have no time to talk to our parents ,siblings and relatives.
We have no longer have time for our friends and loved ones
We are under the illusion that we are in a never ending race
and we blindly keep on running very very hard.
We think we are facing the greatest of hardhips anydody has ever faced
(may be social or physological hardships)
We think we are destined to change the course of the world by our actions.
We think "we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders"
We become self obsorbed and fail to see life from any other view than our own.
We do not find a minute to spare of other people.not a few minutes to spare from
our scheme to change the world.
Soon we loose touch with many of our friends.
Our loved ones get farther away from us.
We are unable to understand this behavour of people.
We wish that they should understand our situtation and compromise a bit
Then we beome angry at them for holding their ground.
no we begin to believe with even more conviction and some self pity that
"we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders"
Now we are left all alone........