Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tale of our times

Every generation thinks they are better than their predecessor's.
They think they are a new generation,with modern and better thinking ability.
They believe the are pioneers of a new world with free and independent thinking.

They adapt themselves to new and trendy ways of life,changing anything and everything to detach themselves from present society and trying hard to invent a new way of life.

The earlier generations way of life suddenly seems immature, They are not able to relate to ways of earlier generations.

They see all events around them and believe that previous generations so incompetent that they are unable to solve basic problems of life.
They see that majority members of previous generation have lost the race of life in the crowded streets of present.

Out of arrogance,hate or pity they believe the thought and ideas of previous generation have no right to exist.
They believe in the survival of the fittest,and think that people of older generations are endangered species and will be wiped out in this brave new world .

They absorb all that is around them and come to the conclusion that previous generations so incompetent so solve basic problems of life.They see that majority members of previous generation have lost the race of life in the crowded streets of present.

They had once seen these very same people once had big dreams,great ideas,unparallel vision. They were inspired by such people,They were maybe also proud to succeed such a promising group of people.

but then reality played its part,many loose their way in life.They succumb to everyday pressures of life. They become either to tired to fight or no longer care to fight.and free thinking people of yesterdays past become mindless zombies of present. they got transformed into so called the ordinary people from giants they were.

They see these events and say it aloud with absolute certainty that you will never turn out like the earlier generations.
They make a pact to never give up their dreams and will always look towards the future.
They say the words aloud that thier generation will pave the way for a new world.A
new society founded not on weak social structure existent today but founded on the basis of values,principles,ideals and rationality.

They begin thinking about their purpose in life ,their dreams,ambitions etc

It is now that they realize that dont even know what their heart truly desires.

The quest to find this very purpose in their lives,may be to re invent their hobbies or childhood dreams takes them on an adventure like none before.

But on this road many find their purpose and many losse everything that they had.
Even these lost souls do not give up and continue striving toward their quest to simply find where their heart truly lies.

And for a time life was good.all these agents of new world life an out of the ordinary life,invorbing their capabilities and ideas condtantly .

they complete their education and these pioneers of new generation enter the cruel world ready to fight against all odds to achieve their goals.

many suceed many fail.But only few have found true peace in their walk of life.

Many are left lost and confused.they begin to fear that they will never find their so called purpose in life.fear creaps into their consumes them
they begin to freak out thinking that their quest will never end and theat they will always be in doubt.

These were the same people who once had a absolute thinking,no doubts,no insecurities.
The saw it clearly what they wanted and what they had to do to achieve their goals.

now many of these very same group of people are lost.some to find true meaning to their lives,some on the quest on how to achieve their goals.

And now so called reality plays its part,many loose their way in life.They succumb to everyday pressures of life. They become either to tired to fight or no longer care to fight.and free thinking people of yesterdays past become mindless zombies of present.
They turn into so called the ordinary people from giants they were.

As it is human nature to decieve themself into believing they have not lost,and think everything happens for the good.these many convince their minds to strike a suitable compromise continue leading a descent life.
but at some dark corner of their mind they know they have lost and surrendered and they accept their loss and tell themselves that everyone is not insanelly brillant to achieve their dream.and they let go of all that they have.

Whenever their dreams haunt them ,they try to run away from this harsh truth by turning to alcohols,drugs or maybe perhaps god.
They find their nightmares are too painful and they are unable to escape it,so their simply stop to dream.

They start living a 24x7 live.They try hard to indulge in so many things,except to pursue life they really desire.
At the end of the day the are exhausted and they sleep thinking the have worked so hard and they are living their lives to the fullest.their mind is so tired and lost at the end of the day .it refuses to wander any more and also aceepts the false reality.

They hang out till late nights either hanging out with friends,in front of idot box or doing simply nothing.They are afraid to sleep beacause they have become afraid of the very dreams that was the driving force in their lives.The have turned their dreams into nightmare.
They were destroying their very lives they took years building.
They nedded to be save not from society,friends or some disaster waiting for them.
They needed to be saved from themselves.

They become a confused lot of people.people lost in time and lost in space.

Many find a compromise,man forget their dreams and many continue to live their lives suffering everyday.

Time files by and they hardy take notice.
They dont have time to even breath peacefully.
They meet their old friends during holidays,decide to do something out of the ordinary.
They and have a blast.They best time they had in years.
Their mind rejuvenates temporarily and they talk abut,live,dreams ,loveand everything under the sun with the same passion as they used to.
They relate to each other of how they have suffered,how this realization has changed their life and they decide once again in the thrill of the moment to once again follow their dreams.

But the next day the adventure is over and they return to you normal busy life.they try for a while to search for the right path,but out of laziness and fear they again forget everything.

at some dark corner of their mind they know they have lost and surrendered and they accept their loss and tell themselves that everyone is not insanelly brillant to achieve their dream.and they let go of all that they have

they build another wall aroud thier thoughts and dreams,after every such realization the
wall kepps on gettin bigger and bigger and one fine day wall becomes to high to climb out of.
their dreams and ambitions are locked up inside the wall.

but occasionall a cry comes from inside these walls.
a cry so painfull it tears your entire existance apart.

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