Monday, May 31, 2010

Law of nature

Law of nature is to choose the path of existence which offer's the least resistance,
Every thing in nature from plants,animals,insects as well as elemental forces of nature like
electricity,gravity,magnetism,wind and water etc choose the path that offer the least resistance.
they are bound by the law's of nature to do so.
Humans are somewhat different,we are offered a choice to choose the path for our self.
One often makes various choices,and ends up choosing the path of maximum resistance
one struggles,fight's against law of nature and there is a infinitesimal chance that one succeeds.
unlike other elements of nature which do not possess the ability to learn and acquire knowledge
humans have been provided with a faculty to alter one's nature.
Hence one can choose to be anything
And more often than not one want's to become something other than what one presently is
or something other than what nature has chosen him to become.
Since choosing to become something else is going against nature ,one is bound to encounter
great struggle to overcome the laws of nature.
One count on allies to help one out in this ordeal.
One has to and must do this alone if he truly wishes to succeed
One cannot even be sure that he can defeat nature.
For some it may take second's and for some it may take a lifetime to overcome nature
But like all those who have tried know that if one encounters failure it is not because nature
cannot be defeated,it is only because one has not tried hard enough.
For all those who succeed understand or deserve to say that there is no such thing as law of nature
The journey,the path of struggle,the choice one made was all an illusion,a fragment of ones imagination.
In the end ,those who have succeeded deserve to say that this is what they were all alone

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